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Welcome to my extracurriculars.


The key to my college success lies in my active participation in various clubs and organizations. The people I met in these groups collectively shaped my experience and played a pivotal role in my personal growth to become the person I am today. Through these engagements, I not only had the opportunity to meet exceptional individuals but also took initiatives to give back to my community. Additionally, I learned valuable skills that I anticipate will be beneficial for my future career. These clubs and organizations have been instrumental in my journey, providing a platform for both personal and professional development.

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Vice President of Marketing + Graphic Designer

As VP of Marketing for GCS, I continuously revamped the appearance of GCS on all platforms, including Instagram and Facebook while working on boosting the recruitment applications during the challenging peak of the COVID-19 season (2020-2021). With strategic initiatives under my belt, I elevated our club from a modest 5-member team to a thriving 20-member powerhouse—a remarkable 300% increase in team size.

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UIC Student Ambassador Board Member (Secretary)

I achieved the distinction of becoming the youngest member ever elected to a Board position, serving as the Secretary within a team that included a President and Vice President. Throughout an entire academic year marked by the challenges of COVID, I took on the crucial role of being the sole interviewer for new team members. Responsible for training orientations, I played a key part in onboarding new members and managed the design of social media posts for UIC on Instagram, as well as capturing campus photos for audience's engagement with the university life throughout the self-isolation period. Having leveraged my design and marketing skills, I successfully increased the follower count from 2,000 to 5,000, earning commendations from both the Public Relations officer and the college's administrative team for making significant contributions to the college's PR performance.

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Video Editor


Being admitted to one of the most competitive student organizations in my first semester of freshman year was a dream come true. This experience became the arena for my initial victories and failures in the college adventure. Late nights were spent tirelessly working on pre-ed, script, and storyboards alongside my fellow video producers. Immersed in the Magazine Team, I shadowed reporters, conducting interviews with faculty members and students. Notably, I even ventured into vlogging, offering a glimpse into student life at Yonsei Songdo Campus. This immersive journey allowed me to hone my skills and build a foundation for my college pursuits.

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Staff Writer + Columnist


Discovering my true calling didn't require waiting until graduation; I found it while working with The Amherst Student. Picture a third-year design student from another school writing for one of the oldest college publications in the US. Reflecting on the entire experience, I take pride in the courage it took to step out of my comfort zone and contribute my passion for writing to a new environment. Leading the ideation and execution of 28 articles in 2022, even after returning to Yonsei, was a fulfilling journey. Notable achievements include having my article for alumna Erica Lee featured among 19 other profiles in The Student's Homecoming Issue, receiving positive reactions for my fall photo issues from the Amherst community, and breaking the Amherst Bubble with interviews of local restaurant owners for the 2022 "Features" section. It felt like working for a startup ready to take off, and the experience was incredibly rewarding. Beyond accomplishments, I forged connections with brilliant minds, fostering lifelong friendships and deepening my writing skills. Grateful for these meaningful connections, I encourage young college students to find a place they can call home on campus and shine in what they are meant to do.

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WIRED Video Director​


I took on the responsibility of producing interview videos with faculty members from the STEM department, showcasing their insights and contributions. This involved not only the filming process but also the meticulous editing of the videos to ensure a polished and informative final product. Additionally, I extended my involvement by publishing articles related to science, drawing from the valuable insights gathered during interviews, such as my conversation with Professor Pentecost. This multifaceted approach allowed me to contribute significantly to the promotion and understanding of science within the academic community.

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Vice President


In my capacity as a vice-president, I spearheaded the engineering of a new website for the club, providing a more efficient and user-friendly online platform. Additionally, I took charge of leading one of the two semesterly data reports, contributing to the comprehensive analysis of club activities. Collaborating closely with my co-president, we managed the club's operations effectively. My responsibilities extended to leading the collection of member information and orchestrating the design of member introduction posts, creating a cohesive and engaging experience for both current and prospective members. These initiatives were crucial in enhancing the overall functionality and visibility of the club.

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Campus Director


In the role of the first Vietnamese campus director for Hult Prize at Yonsei Sinchon branch, my aspiration was to convey the message to fellow international students that Yonsei provides a nurturing international environment where they can flourish with freedom. Collaborating with five other dedicated students, our collective effort was focused on promoting the Hult Prize competition to all business-minded students on the Sinchon campus of Yonsei University. Through our collaborative initiatives, we aimed to foster a sense of inclusivity and encourage active participation in the competition, emphasizing the global opportunities available within the university setting.

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