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Unzip The Beauties of Cinemas

Cine.Zip is an intuitive mobile app empowering Generation X parents to effortlessly book cinema tickets online, offering a seamless user experience and exclusive family-friendly features.


My Role

Team Lead, UI Designer, UX Researcher

Role Description: I united the brainstormed ideas, formulated the research question, and shaped the direction of the UX research and design process. I also conducted the user interviews, reflected the feedbacks into the prototype, and finalized the UI/UX design.

​Lastly, I documented the entire process as well as the weekly papers.


March 2023 - June 2023



5 Members

Figma, FigJam, Wix, 

Project Type

A team project for Interaction Design course that that aims to address a social issue.

Outdoor Movie Screening


In South Korea, the primary consumer group of cinemas currently consists of middle-aged individuals in their 40s and 50s.

According to a survey conducted in South Korea in 2023, although younger age groups still account for the largest parts of all the age groups that went to the cinema, the 40s and 50s age group followed closely


movie goers who are in the range of 40-49 years old



movie goers who are in the range of 50-59 years old

However, there appears to be a notable decrease in the usage of online movie applications among individuals in their 40s and 50s. Although everyone is invited to use the app, we plan on making the experience affordable for users in the 40s-50s age ranges, helping them familiar with the current trends in the most comprehensive manner.

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​How can we improve the experience of Generation X users in South Korea in the digital ticket buying process with mobile app?

↱​Target Audience 


By designing an intuitive and user-friendly app interface, providing intuitive movie exploration, simplifying the transaction process, and offering easy payment systems,
users will have a more enjoyable and seamless cinema ticket buying experience.


Parents in the late Generation X (in the 50s), who are more familiar with technologies than previous generations but may find purchasing tickets through mobile apps complicated or unenjoyable due to interface design.


Icon made by Flat Icons from

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To further empathize with our users, we developed an empathy map, mapping out our primary and secondary persona’s sayings, thoughts, feelings, activities throughout the cinema ticket buying journey. This helped us identify opportunities to enhance the user experience and create meaningful solutions.



Now to explore the User Journey Map for the app, this not only outlines the stages of interaction but also reveals the emotional experiences of our users. From our research, we found that users feel the most excitement during the Browsing stage when they are exploring different movies, discovering new titles, and watching trailers. It is a moment of anticipation and curiosity. As they progress through the app, users reach the Purchase stage, where they complete their ticket transactions and experience a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. But the journey doesn't end there. In the Mature Usage stage, users have the opportunity to leave reviews and share their movie experiences with friends and family, creating a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction.

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We created a user flow that outlines the step-by-step journey of purchasing cinema tickets in our app, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience for our users. Additionally, we developed an informative architecture that organizes the app's features and functionalities in a logical and user-friendly manner.


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We sketched numerous interface designs and translated them into interactive prototypes to test and refine our concepts. We also developed a comprehensive design system, including a carefully chosen typeface, colors. Based on the system, we made components and user interfaces to ensure visual consistency and enhance usability.



The first one is a ‘Watch Trailers before Decision’ to help users explore movies just like youtube shorts. As youtube is one of the most familiar media for our target users we came up with the idea to show movie information not only via image but also via video.

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The next one is ‘Ask Cine.Bot for Help’ which helps users find what they want in the quickest way through closed questions. 

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Third one is related to the booking process itself. If you see the mockup, there are three icons: 'movies, location and time’. This is inspired by cinema kiosks which seemed intuitive for various age targets. Here users can book the ticket more easily.

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Third one is related to the booking process itself. If you see the mockup, there are three icons: 'movies, location and time’. This is inspired by cinema kiosks which seemed intuitive for various age targets. Here users can book the ticket more easily.

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'Pay by Family Account' is also one of the most important functions. Since many generation x users said that it was hard to register a card and pay, we came up with an idea ‘pay by family account’ which is much easier with the help of their family.

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The app also includes ideas of personalization through profile pages and event pages. Here, users can see the information they want in an organized way. 

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A key takeaway for me is the importance of conducting thorough research to truly understand our target users. By employing various methods and tools to study the preferences, behaviors, and needs of our audience, we can refine our focus and narrow down the group of users that our app aims to assist. This meticulous understanding will not only allow us to tailor the app's features to the specific needs of our users but also ensure that the functionality is both outstanding and clear. Moving forward, my commitment is to prioritize user research as a foundational step in the design process, aiming to create an app that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our target audience.


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